Mark Harman Приложения

Erebus RPG
Mark Harman
Erebus is an Open Source Action RPG with 3quests and random dungeons, set in a medieval fantasy Swords &Sorcery world.Note for people who have played Exiled Kingdoms: Both Erebus andExiled Kingdoms legally use free textures from Flare RPG: . Also see from Exiled Kingdoms themselves: . Neither games are acopy of each other.Features:* Classic point-n-click hack 'n' slash dungeon crawl style fantasyRole-Playing Game, with dungeons to explore, enemies to fight, NPCsto talk to, sub-quests to complete, scenery to interact with,weapons, treasure and other items to find.* Multiple quests (currently three, more will be added asdevelopment progresses!)* Also provides randomly generated dungeons to explore and battlethrough.* Choice of starting characters (currently Barbarian, Elf,Halfling, Ranger, Warrior), each with their own specialskills.* Start straight into the action - none of this "For your firstquest, please find your next door neighbour's pet cat".* Vector-based world rather than tile-based - so items/scenery canbe placed in any position, or aligned in any direction.* 2D animated graphics, with zoom in/out, and lightingeffects.* Completely free and Open Source - no ads, unlike many freeAndroid apps.* Cross-platform - available for Windows, Linux, Nokia Symbian,Android and Pandora.If you need instructions, please see the website (linked below), orclick Offline or Online Help from within the game.Android 2.3.3 or later is required. A resolution of at least800x480 is required.Erebus RPG is Open Source, and uses graphics/sound/music from 3rdparty Free sources; see the web page for source code, and a fulllist of credits/licences. Erebus is free, though if you like thisgame, if you wish you can show appreciation and support futuredevelopment by donating! This can be done by purchasing my donation app.Please contact me if you encounter any problems, or have anysuggestions for improvements - either email, or post at .
Vibrance HDR 1.11
Mark Harman
Vibrance HDR allows you to create high dynamic range (HDR) images,either from a single photo, or from multiple* auto exposurebracketed (AEB) photos. High-dynamic-range imaging is a techniqueused in photography to reproduce a greater dynamic range ofluminosity. This works best in conjuction with a camera app thatsupports taking photos at multiple different exposures. HoweverVibrance HDR also supports creating a "HDR-like" effect from asingle photo. [*] Some devices support up to 7 images; others up to3 images. Note that Vibrance HDR is not intended to be a generalpurpose photo editor - there are already plenty of free apps forthat. Features: * Create HDR effect from either single photo, ormultiple input photos at different exposures. * Editor allows youto modify contrast enhancement strength, brightness, contrast,saturation, white balance temperature. * Quick display of originalimage for comparison. * Pan and pinch to zoom. * HDR tonemappingoptions include Reinhard, Exponential, Filmic, ACES. *Auto-alignment and ghost removal for processing multiple inputphotos. * On-screen histogram. Note that creating HDR images frommultiple inputs is memory intensive, and even though Androiddevices may have GBs of RAM, on some devices only a fraction ofthat may be available for a single application to use. Vibrance HDRincludes ads served via the Google Mobile Ads SDK (Admob). AnIn-application-purchase (IAP) is available to remove adverts. Youcan view or edit your ad settings, or opt out of personalizedadvertising, via Google's Ads Settings ( ). Also see "How Google usesinformation from sites or apps that use our services". Thisapplication is not intended to be used by children, as you mightsee an advert that is not deemed child friendly.
Open Camera 1.52
Mark Harman
Open Source Camera app.